Well-known member
Well for me, this is a great day day of detecting. What a difference a week makes. Back to where I found two "Mercs" and the .925 chain last week. Previously my stepson had gained permission from one property owner he works with at the prison to park on his property for access the lake. There were 3 of us, his uncle included. It was good camaraderie, see he and his uncle are fairly new to detecting and have bitten hard. His dad, my wife's ex has come with us before but had to cancel this time. I'm still trying to get him to wear headphones! Hearing her ex with his Xterra 305 making flutist sounds last time was distracting. Talking him into an ATPro will force him to use phones. Both my co-hunters yesterday plan on upgrading, my step son has done well with his ACE 250 and his uncle with his Cabellas labeled Bounty hunter. They both want an ATPro after seeing it perform in and out of the water. I had an easier time verifying iron vs deep good signals for some of their signals and was called over to check them. Then we'd dig it up and each time I correctly identified the target, even correctly calling a few deep silver coins. The water was down much further on this private lake. The temps were up making for a warm, steamy day inside my waders. After about 3 hours I broke it off for lunch and shed the "breathable" nylon waders. I wasn't deep enough to benefit from the cool water to keep me from losing so much fluid through sweating I was weakened. Venturing into the water had netted me the '42 S half and since the bottom further out wanted to suck me in I opted to spend the time after lunch break in my boots. With all the extra bottom exposed coins were coming more easily and there were enough being found to forgo the dangers of getting swamped, stuck or being exaughsted prematurely. Besides I was able to use my long handled water scoop to limit bending on the exposed bottom. By lunch I had the '38 14K class ring, 6 silvers, 3 Buffaloes, and a few wheats. After the break my first dig was the 1 .dwt (1.5gr) buttercup ring with what is probably a synthetic ruby or maybe a real garnet. I found another silver quarter really deep at about 8", a '56 dime and a few other coins. Everyone found a few silver coins, wheats, Buffaloes & Sterling jewelry. A couple indian heads turned and a lone V nickel.
Most of the goodies were down to 9" in the soft bottom. I know there is more we can't hear and I'm going back with my Excal, Sov and CZ-21 to rework the exposed bottom. The trash wasn't as bad as to preclude the use of even my WOT. I need to get down to at least 12". So I have high hopes.
His uncle found this pendant with a partial cord attached.
It sorta of freaked him out and he gave it to my stepson. It appears to have different names for the "fallen angle" - devil or whatever - it's near Halloween so I thought it was funny. I suggested that it was around the neck of the last sacrifice offered up LOL!
These kind of sites are my bread and butter. I will hunt anything from tot lots to cellar holes but do my best at old swimming areas. HH - Bruce

Those are silver 1/2's 5 & 6 for 2014.
Most of the goodies were down to 9" in the soft bottom. I know there is more we can't hear and I'm going back with my Excal, Sov and CZ-21 to rework the exposed bottom. The trash wasn't as bad as to preclude the use of even my WOT. I need to get down to at least 12". So I have high hopes.
His uncle found this pendant with a partial cord attached.

These kind of sites are my bread and butter. I will hunt anything from tot lots to cellar holes but do my best at old swimming areas. HH - Bruce

Those are silver 1/2's 5 & 6 for 2014.