Mudwhale said:
.... There is an irritating delay when swinging over a target......
Yes: After-market (radio-shack, etc... ) add-on's have that common complaint: The annoying delay. But supposedly certain manufacturer stock ones being put into detectors nowadays has solved that.
But I have another reason I'd always be skeptical of using any form of wireless headphones:
Sub-audible cross-talk. Because the earpiece and sending unit are communicating, after all.
What I mean is: That EVEN though they may be set to different frequencies, such that you don't have AUDIBLE cross-talk, yet I would fear that there might be
sub-audible subtle compromises . That you simply don't hear.
For example: We all know that 2 -like machines (same brand and type) will "cross-talk". And we know that NON-similar brands/machines don't necessarily cross-talk. Right ? But have you ever noticed that if you get those 2 non-similar machines close enough , that they DO INDEED cross-talk ? So that means there was an un-known range of feet , when the dis-similar machine was getting closer, that a level of sub-audible could be occurring. That you simply don't hear. And that can affect depth.
By "sub-audible", consider the following true story: I took a buddy to a park (known to still have some deep wheats/silver) to teach him how to use his Explorer II. The idea was, that I was going to flag some good signals, so he could know what type sounds he was supposed to be listening for.
Since we were both using Exp. II, we had to separate ourselves by enough distance where cross-talk would go away. But after 20 minutes, I STILL could not find a classic 4-star signal to show him. DESPITE knowing full well that the area I was in *should* have some. I just couldn't find anything of what I was looking for. FINALLY I got a semi-acceptable iffy signal. I gave him a hand signal to come over to my part of the park.
When he saw me motion for him, he turned off his machine. And walked over to the part of the park I was at.
An interesting phenomenon took place: As SOON as he had turned off his machine (even though out of cross-talk range), my signal immediately cleaned up and sounded better. Hmmm. That told me there had STILL been "cross-talk" (albeit below audible), even though we'd been beyond the range where we could hear it.
So too would I fear in having any other sort of transmitter/receivers (bluetooth, cell-phones in the midst of calls, other machines, etc...) too close to me. EVEN if I don't necessarily hear them, it could be causing subtle loss of performance. So I never use anything except chord headphone. JMHO