It's been a couple of weeks since I went detecting. Been busy. My yougest son was admitted into the hospital again, my daughter has Christmas choir and plays at school that need attending, shopping and taxi driving as many parents do takes up a lot of time. But metal detecting just seems to make the bumps in life a little smoother. I got a few coins and some interesting finds. We did get a skiff of snow overnight, which barely covered the ground in the woods, but left the fields with a couple of inches of snow. A very unusual winter so far. We are usually in the -30's, but today we hot a nice balmy -2 degrees Celsius.
Here's the finds from today. I probably broke the 50's with some items. No silver today.....but there's always tomorrow!
Because it is the shortest day of the year, I got a shot of a sports field close to home at about 16:15 just after the sun set!