I just saw on one of the links a picture of a screen where the upper right had a window for coins and then a smaller window a bit lower for nickles, I have been trying to build a couple of custom screens to save just for the learning experience but am having some problem building the screens, do you build them by going to advanced and use the drag to either open an area or blank it out. I kept trying that but had problems getting the block in the right place, is there an easier way as i worked on it for a couple of hours and it seem to use up most of my battery trying to do the drag and drop and get different settings. Also when you are in iron mask do the crosshairs show up or are you strickly in sound and what would be an good setting for working around old homsteads that the house is gone but there is a bit of a foundation and a lot of junk. Also I have found the remnents of an old stage stop ( about 1870) and I am sure it has never been worked but a lot of junk in that an old timer built a cabin at the stop and just lived there, cabin gone but some correls are still standing, but all I get is junk and the XS seems to ring on junk, keep getting old square nails and stuff, how do I set it to try to eliminate most of the junk or does that just go with the territory and i need to get more experience with the sounds.