Hello to you all my wife has come down with Breast cancer..... and had a minor surgery to have a port put in for the chemo drugs to go directly in her main artery.... And she had her first chemo done this Fri. ..5 long hrs.Anyhow this weekend she is having a hard time with it being scared and not wanting to be alone..I know she is having a hard time of it in dealing with this , and it coming out of nowhere.It would be nice if you guys and gals maybe could maybe drop a up lifting note , or humor, or just a little something to cheer her up. My wifes name is Cathy her email is cmpb22@yahoo.com. Or for those who might want to drop a letter or card our address is Burgess Family 4343 Apt C Garst Mill Rd. Roanoke Va .24018.. Normally I wouldn't do something like this,but this is especially rough on us in these trying times. And this has been such a great forum here that I knew this would be place to turn to get people to say hello to my wife,and cheer her up. Thanks Woodchuck