I was wondering why so many of us, excepting myself of course, seem to get so fired up on how good a detector can find nickels??? Whats the big deal on nickels, they are almost as worthless as a zinc cent. I'd rather be finding dimes and quarters myself and an occasional ring. Also, am just getting the hang of using this DeLeon I almost sold, stupid me, its a great machine once you take some time and kinda learn it especially in a sandy area to start. I got spoilt by the pinpoint switch on my LST.Anyway, it hits right on the money on that 95 reading, quite literally, and my last time out with it I only had Sens at a 5 looking for fresh dropped coins and was still picking out targets up to 7 inches deep and the depth meter is right on the money.Just was wondering what gold rings will id as? Will silver rings and chains be a 95 as well? What about Indians? I basically ignored everything that wasn't a 95 and managed not to dig hardly any zincs and very little trash either. I will be hanging on to this machine. How does it do with a Super 7 inch coil? I have one of those too.