To be honest, I've never tried a DD coil.. But being as I've been satisfied with the concentric coils I have,
never really saw a need. And the 'hot for bottle caps" issue kind of scared me off too.
With the Ace 250, I'm still using the stock 6.5x9, and the 9x12 coils, along with the sniper for the
trashy areas. I never had any trouble pinpointing with the two larger coils. Seems quite easy and
accurate to me, as long as one is careful on the side to side signal measuring when nearing the
cut off point when pulling back.
I think that is one part that throws many off from pinpointing accuracy when using the concentric
Garrett coils. The closer you get to the cut off point, the narrower the side to side signal becomes,
as the signal follows the shape of the oval coil, and it's critical to be right in the middle at the cutoff to
really be accurate, being that is the most narrow point. If one only checks the side to side when the
coil is appx over the middle widest area of the coil, and does not check again when pulling back,
that can lead to quite a bit of side to side error.
So I'm checking and tweaking side to side all the way to the cutoff point.
Most times, I can stab the object with my probe if I wanted to.
Sometimes I do.. Which is why I rounded and polished the end of my screwdriver probe to reduce
the chance of scratching coins if I do stab them. :O