Thanks for the demo John! It really is food for thought.
Personally I prefer the DD because I don't have a concentric and I've been forced to learn the DD. I especially like that it's field is ax-head shaped and not cone shaped and therefore it covers more area below ground with each sweep. If you're coloring a large open area, do you use a sharp crayon tip or the side of the crayon?
As for bottle caps, I've learned, by predicting what I've found before digging, that yes they do sound like a coin but they have a scratchy edge (sort of like a bottle cap vs. a coin LOL).
As for pin-pointing with the DD, I never use the pin-point button on the AT-Pro. I've found that if I simply back off from the target and start my sweeps towards it, the target is pretty close to being under the leading edge of the coil when I first hear the signal depending on the depth of course.
That all said, I'll defer to your superior experience and keep an open mind should I have the opportunity to get me a concentric coil.
HH, Mac