kingingkunsan said:
My introduction to FBS was with the Explorer II. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I bought it when it was released to the market in 03 maybe early 04 I can't remember. Anyway I read the manual and started detecting. I left the sounds in conductive. I learned the machine and the tones it made. After months of use I stumbled upon this site and some settings (Mike Moutray Sp?) So I tried them. The settings were in conductive as well. But I started finding deeper targets and really liked the program. Later, maybe 6 months after enjoying these settings, I read some more about others using ferrous tones and AM or Iron Mask -16. I tried this and just could not find the patience to switch. I knew enough in conductive to decipher good and bad targets, was finding deep silver, and enjoying the hunt. So why switch? I was more frustrated trying to learn ferrous and digging more iron. So there is your answer from my experience. Hope it helped.
Thanks kinginkunsan,
When I try to detect in Conductive I find that the Ferrous tones are high and the Conductive tones are high and this causes me to constantly look at the screen on every hit.
When I detect in Ferrous, the iron gives a deep tone and Conductive coins give a high tone. This way I'm not always having to glance at the screen. It is only when I get a good conductive hit that I look.
I have no idea if hunting in either mode is advantageous depth-wise.
I started out with Minelab when the Explorer XS came out. I hunted in the factory setup and didn't change anything. All the ferrous side was blacked out. The detector was in Conductive. So, the iron hits were not a problem.
Then I discovered All Metal. That's when problems cropped up using the Conductive mode. So I went and set it to Ferrous and that solved that problem with all the similar sounds.