Just my two cents, but if I see someone with very few posts, I am not very likely to want to buy anything from them. Sorta like Ebay, when the seller only has a few feedbacks under his belt, I steer clear. There have been a lot of folks burned on here in the past from folks with very little activity on the forums. They show up just to scam someone. Usually it is another Newbie that gets scammed because the old timers know better. The rules are for everybodys protection.
Newbies can share a lot without asking a lot of questions that have been ask 100 times before. I get excited when a newbie post his first silver or bullet or button. Or when they post a "nice find" back to someone else. That builds a sort of bond or brotherhood so to speak. That is when you start trusting the newbie, when you start getting to know them. The forum is like metal detecting it's self, you gotta put in the time in the field to get the full benefit of it. I am not going to tell you to chill out but it sure wouldn't hurt anything. There are some mighty fine folks here. Stay a while and put in some armchair time on the forums. I enjoy just reading the forums myself but on occasion I do feel like I have something worth saying. (at least to me it seems worth it) LOL
Again, this is just my 2 cents,