Howdy, Nancy,
Just wanted to thank you for the "Welcome"to the Forum.
We are kind of goin crazy waitin for Spring here too. Probably have 8 inches of settled snow..
Oh and the sun goes behind the mountain at 2: 45 pm these days, so our yard will be the last to thaw in our area.
So we wont be practicing at home very soon.
But thats OK.
Today a feller i know asked what i've been up to, so of course i kind of slid in that we recently purchased M.D.'s
And go figure,,, he owns 2,,, 1 of which, is an MXT.Says it is his favorite.
Oh, and then he told me a few stories,
heres one,,, his Dad, years ago was huntin (before Disc.) Anyhow he digs up a pipe ,capped on both ends, rusty..
Doesnt think much of it,, was sittin ,, and tappin it on a rock,, an end cap falls off, and There it is,,,,
Gold,, Cached by some old timer , a long time ago..
So, he said he digs everything, Ya never know what could have been used to cache something..
Well better get,
Thanks a bunch for the Hospitality,