I was using the Vaquero with the disc just a hair under 5 cent, and thumbing it to just a hair over tab if the signal was iffy. Now remember, I'm in Canada, so US nickels aren't a factor. I could easily have kept it just over tab and still covered all our Canadian coins. However, there is still a chance at gold with the lower disc. I was running the sens at 10 and the thresold at 3 o'clock.
Location...well, that's the reason I did so well (not to detract from the awesomeness of the Vaq). It was a hockey rink that has been closed and is facing a possible demolition. It was not that old, built in the early 70's. I remember when it was built. I use to skate there occasionally as a kid, and I remember where people would line up to get in. That's where I focused today. I've pulled out over 300 coins from that property so far. Nothing real old, early 50's (a US wheaty) so far. I will keep at it until it snows. I'm sure there is a ring there somewhere!
My Deleon should be here tomorrow, so I'm going to give that a try next time. I'll retrace some of my areas I covered just to see if the Deleon picks up anything I missed.