Digital CZ's go just as deep and performance wise just about the same as an analog but may be a tad slower.Indeed the notching system is a plus where for instance you could notch out any facet and still keep the other unlike the linear disc. of a analog. Foil is indeed the hot spot for most gold rings lost which are usually thin womans rings some which could have nice stones.( Fisher did a study years ago and approx. 1/3 of gold rings came in at the foil region)...From using other units with notch systems I find a CZ's foil facet to be quite large as it will pick up a large piece of foil and also a very small piece which can be a plus or minus as it will pick up the tineiest gold rings but also very small piece of foil which could be a problem in a foil invested park. Do remember by notching out other facets you could lose a larger gold ring but not have to put up with all the junk that mimics gold rings. If you like a CZ5(analog) you will love a digital CZ( CZ7, CZ7A, CZ7A pro, CZ70 pro) as the notch is certainly a plus...