Dirt Doctor has excellent council for us all in his short but to the point message. So many things can go wrong in the wireless and Internet world that I try not to put 100 percent faith in it. Although many use email as their "modus operandi" in communicating to many things can go wrong with it. All email servers go down, even the largest ones. Then there are spam filters and different levels of protection via fire walls and the like. It is a good thing to address the person or representative of company directly so you can make sure the problem is being conveyed in the right way. Often times the problem or perceived problem can be resolved at the time you make direct contact. Much less heart ache and misunderstanding if things were done this way. And it gives much less chance for those on the side of some other competitor to add another log to the fire just out of spite to confuse the issue, even though they may not even have first hand experience with a company or person. It is the Ford versus Chevy mentality! That mentality gets in the way of progress when there are problems. So a kindly call about the problem will go a long ways in resolving it. I am not affiliated with any company on this site, although as a newbie (used a Whites in 1979-81) to the new MD technology here I took Monte's advice and now own 3 Whites detectors for my family, I am a happy man! I am looking for a GMT now. I am also thinking about getting an Excalibur. And if you are having problems now why sulk and be angry or put off about it? Communicate, communicate, and/or communicate! When it is resolved you will feel a whole lot better and you can go digging.
None of the above was directed to any specific person in this thread, so smile!
Thanks for the wisdom Dirt Doctor!
Best Regards,
Steve Gill