I have just started hunting in old 18th & 19th Century home sites with the standard 950 Coil in the NC Mountains. With lots of trash. I was about to buy the Eclipse 5.3" coil for trashy areas, but the sales lady at white's has talked me out of this and said buy the New 12" Spider Coil. I know the arguments. She said if you are going to dig everything then you might as well go with greater depth that the New 12" Spider Coil offers.
The Super 12 Search Coil for DFX, MXT, and M6
This new 12" concentric coil is designed for maximum depth and ground coverage.
I am not too impressed with the MXT discrimination and target identification, except when it says it is iron, it is mostly right. But that in OK, I have read most people who test the MXT are not either. Maybe I need to learn more about this machine as this is only my 2nd week owning it.
I have a friend that owns the Fisher Coin striker, he loves this machine,
it is on sale for $550.00. He has made some really big finds with it.
I hope I made the right choice in machines. When the MXT says something is there then I usually find something! Just have to dig lots of trash.
The Super 12 Search Coil for DFX, MXT, and M6
This new 12" concentric coil is designed for maximum depth and ground coverage.
I am not too impressed with the MXT discrimination and target identification, except when it says it is iron, it is mostly right. But that in OK, I have read most people who test the MXT are not either. Maybe I need to learn more about this machine as this is only my 2nd week owning it.
I have a friend that owns the Fisher Coin striker, he loves this machine,
it is on sale for $550.00. He has made some really big finds with it.
I hope I made the right choice in machines. When the MXT says something is there then I usually find something! Just have to dig lots of trash.