I'm in the market for a new detector and would like to know how the two that I'm chosing from compare. My latest purchase was a new Garrett Master Hunter 7 way back in the last century. My brother-in-law, who is a very good in using about any good detector to find what he is looking for..he usually knows what he is about to dig up. He now has a Garrett GTI2500 and has found a number of Cival War bullets and lead balls, and coins. I would like to purchase a similar machine and am considering the GTI2500 and Whites DFX. I will be using the detector mostly in NW Arkansas and possibly in NW Missouri. I would like to purchase the White if it will do as well as the Garrett just so we have similar quality machines but different ones to use and compare. Does one have any advantage over the other in locating coins and relics. My old farm home has been around since 1848 when the first log house was built. The ground is filled with iron anf all kinds of other metal items. I have found a few coins but 100 times that amount in trash.....I've hunted the area with home built detectors, Heathkit locators, BFO detectors and my Master Hunter. Which detector of the two would do the best job? Or they about equal? Thanks in advance for all input. Charles