Took the 6T out last week here in the Victorian goldfields. Worked great. In fact it worked without any problem eveywhere I took it. The multi tone Id would cascade through the tones on junkers and lock on when a good target was detected. One being an old metal flip lid matchbox which I was wrapt to find. Still had one very old match still in it amongst the dirt that had got inside it. Ohter finds included old buttons, a couple of coins and what looks like a small trumpet or simialr mouthpeice. Pinpointing is much improved with the inclusion of the Tracking in all metal and works A1 in all the ground I trialled it in. Iron ID is typical Whites Prizm style which has always impressed me with it ignoring much of what others struggle to knock out. Ill post some pics next week on a better computer than the one im on right now. A really good machine.