I need get a coil for my old 6000/di do they still make them or does coils for xl pro ect... will it work on my 6000/di?I do have coils like my 4" , 12" , but my 8" coil is gone i want to replace it! I am also having really hard time tuning it. It never keeps a hum + gives of false singles doing either a air test or ground needle is all ways moving.
It has been put up for some time now, and it did work before so I'm little lost in why it's having so many problems. I did everything by the book in trying get air test done.I don't know if whites still works on their older models, but is their anything i could do or something i could try to fix it? when pinpointing speaker really breaking up sound.
It has been put up for some time now, and it did work before so I'm little lost in why it's having so many problems. I did everything by the book in trying get air test done.I don't know if whites still works on their older models, but is their anything i could do or something i could try to fix it? when pinpointing speaker really breaking up sound.