It was a nice day in my neck of the woods this morning, no frost and no wind. I headed over to my buddy's place, Scott, and we both grabbed our PI's and headed to a lake. I brought along the Infinium, and was surprised to find hundreds of holes from previous hunters all over the lake bottom. Well, no being easily deterred, I hunted about 5 hours wearing chest waders, as it was too cold for a wet suit. I got the usual junk finds as shown, some loot and a nice silver bracelet from Mexico.

The silver bracelet was quite oxidized, so I gave it a nice polish with some jewellers rouge, which put a nice shine on it.
Below was my favorite find of the day. I got a nice strong, but soft High-Low signal, and my gut feeling was to dig it. I knew it was large, but it just didn't have long long audio duration that I get on pop cans. After digging a hole a little over 2 feet, I found this vintage (shown below) boat in my scoop. I remember having a similar one myself when I was a kid......Brings back some great memories!