B. has been in a few correct shoots and even served on the S.W.A.T team. I have known him since 1st grade and if there was anyone I can trust my back with it is him. We have been in a lot of tight spots when we were younger and had to fight our way out. One time it was us two against 15 others. We were fine but some of them went to he hospital. We were unarmed and unharmed. I am telling this nasty bit about my past so you can get a feel for how tough hard and capable B. is. He has retired a Sgt. from the biggest County agency in Idaho and is picking up a little cash as a part time paper server. Policy will not allow him to carry a gun while doing this even though he is in uniform. Just before he called me, he was going down a long country lane to sever some court papers. The lane was lined with "Keep Out" signs and other more forceful warnings. When he go the the house, there was a gate he would need to go though to get to home. On the gate was a sigh saying "If you can open this gate and get to the house in 3 seconds you might live." This was a little disturbing. He then noticed a young man sneaking up on his right side wearing a gun belt and holding a pistol in his right hand low and behind his leg. Remember, B. is unarmed. He ducked down behind his car and in his Cop voice ordered the man to put the gun on the ground. He would not comply and kept coming. B. kept talking to him and ordering him to put the gun on the ground. He said that he could tell that the guy was really not a threat but policy was to leave the area and call in the S.W.A.T. team. He told the guy one more time to put the gun on the ground and the perp holstered it, raised his hands and walked up to B. who promply disarmed him and put him on the ground. I don't know if any of us or any other cop would have handled this without killing the guy, and it would have been justified. When the situation was in control he picked up the guys gun and it was an airsoft pistol. The guy that almost died was 20 year old retarded young man who was just playing cop. He even had a plastic cop badge he showed my friend. B. Served his papers to the kids mom and warned her about letting the young man play around like that. He told her how easy it would be to loose him that way and that if a younger officer would have been in his shoes the boy would be dead. My friend was not shook up by the encounter as he had been in many that were so much worse. He was shook up by how close a young man had come to meeting his maker. He was thankful that he and not some other officer handled that situation. And think your job sucks? DC