I had a tejon and it must of been a weak one because the vaquero I had was hot....really HOT. With the ground in NH being rather good for the most part I would say the V or T would be rather close... Now I have never tried the lobo with that said. Right now among the few detectors I'm running, the fisher 1270 seems to be on par or even more then both tejon and vaquero. Even while testing out some older whites like the the classic iii plus and IDX. They pretty much get the same depth while using the 9.5 blue max coil, the only difference is deeper targets sound louder with the tesoros. However the vaquero with the 5 3/4 coil rocks, it may not cover a lot of ground, but its separation capabilities is amazing and I dug a fugio cent that was peweter " white metal" at 7" deep.... I no longer have a vaquero but I may have another one someday as a tejon. Just to many detectors to try out with so little time,,, as with the etrac. It goes deep, sounds off great on deep targets and I'd is great, it just cost a lot of $ and is heavy and reaction time is ?... Bit i feel like it still finds food targets in trash....deep.... Well I said prob too much !