I do not currently own a GP or a GPX, I can't borrow one. I can rent one, and I would however, I can't rent a 6" coil and I'm not going to buy one just for a test. I used to own a GP 3000 and I have used others in the past, I do not spent that much money on detectors as the ones I have were trade ins or bought and from a previous detector sold.
I have plenty of small nuggets and believe me, If I owned a GP I would have found the answer by now. Your post was a bit presumptuous as I mentioned in the first post that I owned those detectors.
The ground that I will be detecting on is actually very quiet, there are two different areas like that, and some moderate.
I like asking specific questions because those are the ones that tell me a lot about the particular subject matter. I also find that those are the least answered... so thanks for at least replying. I'm not interested in settings because as you said, I can just go there and try them where I'm searching. There are people who have used the 6" in the areas I'm searching and this is partly the concern for my current situation.