well hold on there,,,i tried to ground balance the cibola on the salt wet,,,but didnt do it to the full ,,pos or neg,,so i dont know if i did or not ground balance,properly,,,but in all metal, the machine went mad if i changed distance from the sand,,,but with disc selected with the 12 x 10 dd coil (i am sure that the digital g.b will be the same in this config, even if you dont have anything other than the average set g,b, from the factory) as long as this coil is fitted,will do the same,,,,so in a nutshell the vachero( or the cibola,,which seems to have a better sweep speed and iron rejection in disc,) will be as good as each other on the beach in shop bought format,,,,because the two modes dont seem to be in tandem on the beach ,,as long as you use the 12 x 10 d.d. coil,,,,i could be wrong,,,as inland the 10 turn g,b, sets the whole balance for the disc,,,,this must be the same for ,,salt wet,,,,as it has not affected me on the salt wet,,, it seems that if i am in common ground settings,,, the machine will find a 1 cent clad coin,(which is really iron crap,,)in sloppy wet sand at good depth,,i.e. 10 - 12 inches ,,without making a fuss,,thats good enough for me,,,(or has the g.b. conversion been more accurate than i think??comcat,,,,,,,