Well I know from reading and studying the forum post that everybody has their favorites and usually for good reasons. I have studied the technology, looked at the user reviews, and observed what others are using. Problem for me is here in Lubbock, TX there aren't really any dealers except for the sporting goods store cheapo models. I can not try before I buy or even look at a midrange model like these.
Short story long, I guess I will buy them both and see how they feel, keep one and then sell the other. I can't afford to keep them both.
I have read quite a bit about the XL Pro and it looks to be an outstanding md. I don't care one way or the other about LCD display vs. analog. I just want a unit that works. I like bells and whistles but I will not buy on that aspect alone. I work with electronics on a daily basis and I know that manufacturers will add bells and whistles to disguise the fact that their product does not work as well as their competitors.
We have a lot of parks around here to test them on and I never have seen anyone with a detector on any of them. I work and drive much of the rural areas around here and come across old farmsteads almost on a daily basis. Problem is these old farmsteads have a lot of iron trash and rusted at that. I know these md's are not perfect but I need to keep the one that will do the best at notching some of the iron out.
I have another post on here asking about finding someone in my area with a detector that could find some gold coins lost in a old farmhouse fire. My dad owns the land so no problem keeping them if I find them. Lots of trash there though as you could imagine. I have read so darned much on this and other sites that now I want a detector to look for those coins and to throw in the back seat of the pickup for when I come across these old farmsteads.
Out here during the 20's - 40's land was parceled out in 1/4 sections or 160 acres. On just about each 1/4 section of land a home was built. Now those are all abandoned and falling down or completely gone.
I appreciate the advice from you fellows as it sound like either one of these would be keepers but you seem to be leaning more towards the XL Pro. I cant find as many comments positive or otherwise from users of this Garrett. I stay away from dealer reviews and paid for reviews.