I own an Excal 2 and tricked it out with the upgraded rod that places the control housing further up the rod so it balances better. However last season I shorted out my Gray Ghost waterproof headphones at the connecting end because I kept pulling on the unit by the headphones cord after I dug a target to retrieve the excal. The detector would sink sort of. With the old rod configuration I could attach a 4-5" piece of Styrofoam noodle to the upper part of the rod just under the arm cuff. But as you can see the noodle will no fit because the housing is there instead. The unit needs more buoyancy so I took a 5" piece of noodle and placed it under the hand grip. I have not tested it yet. My concern is the noodle will keep getting in the way of my hand as it creeps up an inch and my hand will have to push it back down each time to keep it out of the way. I'm not sure if the placement of the noodle is in the correct place for it to keep the unit afloat relatively straight like when it was mounted under the arm cuff. What have you hunters done in this situation?