is that I have noticed a few folks thinking just by looking at a picture of it that it's just an Excel with notches. That's not really true. Sure, it's the same engineer, building upon the same number system but with several new ideas & tweeks. Anyone who has owned both the C$ & Excel will know what I mean as the Excel was not just a stripped down C$. I don't know the technical terms, but it was a different detector.....
With the Edge, Fisher has listened to some C$/Excel complaints and took good points of the C$, & good points of the Excel and sorta combined them all into 1 fine package. A unit I'm very excited about as well. The Edge will tighten up the notch ranges for 1 big improvement. Also, many love the Excel being able to dial out mid-tones....with the Edge you can now cancel out high tones too. One can also dial down to -36 to hear 4 tones...another winning aspect borrowed from the Excel. I kept a CZ-7a on hand just becuse it was the only unit I had for canceling high tones on beaches. Now the Edge may get the most work among my stable of Fisher's due to overall features & lightweight. Another complaint about the C$ was the balance with the bigger control box. So, I look at the Edge as hopefully stuffing near C$ power into the smaller Excel case. Waders asked for a long cord & a box not screwed onto the rod like the Excel, the Edge addressed this as well....
Being the same TID number system, the Edge retains the same lightning fast, instant readings which will make it deadly in trash. Some have said they think the C$ is almost too much noise in heavy trash & like to use the Excel better in iron. So maybe the Edge will be the perfect happy medium for heavy trash? Again I need more time on it to be certain but I made some super finds in iron with the proto....
The list goes on & I've probably forgot alot more qualities....
Click the banner above for Ron's detectors and read what he had to say too, as he had more time with an Edge than me, & more depth comparisons with the C$...
HH, Bill