1.. What do YOU consider an
upgrade to be? For some it means a higher-end model with more features. Others might want to move from a factory preset GB to one with manual GB or an automated GB adjustment. Then some just think "newer is better," but I can argue that point.
2.. If you know your current detector(s) well, and if you are successful with it 9them), then what is it your are trying to improve upon?
3.. Which search coil selection currently serves you and your hunting needs? If you only have a stock coil, it is very possible an accessory coil can actually be an 'upgrade' in performance and versatility for you.
provantage said:
i want to buy a vx3 that is on sale for 999.00 at my local hobby shop ...
Well, if you really
WANT to buy it, go for it. If you're only
wondering about it, then maybe the answers here will help, or perhaps you have a good local dealer at the hobby shop? Think through what it might do for you. Ask yourself what performance differences you want to see compared with your QXT. Which search coil do you use the most, and which others coils do you currently use? What coils come with the VX3 or have you figured in their cost with that of the new-to-you detector?
provantage said:
... but hate to put thev qxt pro to bed.
If you get a new detector keep the one you know as a back-up, as was recommended, just in case ...
provantage said:
I hit over 200 pieces of silver and 2 class rings with it but think i can do better.
How can you do better? Were all of the 200 pieces of silver from your "honey hole" or a good number of them? If so, what coil and detector have you used to find the most of them? Also, soon a hot spot just thins out and it means it is time to move on. There might be an extra coin or two there, but we all need to research and find fresh sites to hunt in order to 'do better.'
provantage said:
Is the upgrade going to benefit me or am i just getting to the point where i want more out of my machine.
You might want more performance than your current model might offer. The QXT does have several limitations, even though it does work for some people who like it. Maybe the VX3 can benefit you in some way(s), but you have to first list what you are looking for in the way of performance. Then, too, it might be that you are simply wanting more in results from a site that is thinned out too much.
provantage said:
I love the qxt but feel it has a hard time picking up on the coins that may be in the ground vertically.
On-edge coins or rings or other flattish-type targets that are positioned more on their edge can be more difficult for all detectors to find. It can be a matter of using a smaller-than-stock coil, and really makes a difference to just accept more Disc. range, control the sweep speed, etc.
provantage said:
on a good note monday i hit my third indian head penny an 1865. only took digging up over 300+ wheat pennies and 300 plus inchange in my honey hole to find this one.
First, congrats on finding your 3rd Indian Head 1