Finally got out again tonight after a fairly busy couple of weeks. I decided to program Magic's nice little modification into the V3 this afternoon and go out and give it a try.
First: Thanks for the great little program, I really like how it helps identify iron (so I can keep on walking)
Second: It seems to have quite good depth as the pictures of these finds I'm posting were from 7 inches surrounded by iron.
Settings for tonight: Magics program (seen in the sticky posts at the top of the forum) I didn't bother tweaking anything from the program settings as they worked sweetly.
Also WOW was it windy tonight.. I got so tired of the wind blowing my hat off, that I started walking backward with the detector, and honestly it helped me walk a straighter line which seemed infested with clad quarters. (not a bad thing at all) The last find of the night was this little wheatie spill, with a nice rosie (1956) right next to the wheaties. As always rescan the hole.. you never know what you missed. (I'm glad I did tonight)
First: Thanks for the great little program, I really like how it helps identify iron (so I can keep on walking)
Second: It seems to have quite good depth as the pictures of these finds I'm posting were from 7 inches surrounded by iron.
Settings for tonight: Magics program (seen in the sticky posts at the top of the forum) I didn't bother tweaking anything from the program settings as they worked sweetly.
Also WOW was it windy tonight.. I got so tired of the wind blowing my hat off, that I started walking backward with the detector, and honestly it helped me walk a straighter line which seemed infested with clad quarters. (not a bad thing at all) The last find of the night was this little wheatie spill, with a nice rosie (1956) right next to the wheaties. As always rescan the hole.. you never know what you missed. (I'm glad I did tonight)