Do you "usually" hunt solo? With a partner" In a group?
Never hunted in a group, I've hunted with a partner and enjoyed it, but have no problem hunting alone.
If you hunt with others, and they find something nice, are you envious or happy for them?
If you hunt with others, and something came-up where they couldn't make a planned hunt, would you still go solo?
Yep, unless it was a spot that we specifically intended to hunt together (or both researched prior to hunting), then I'd wait until they were available to go.
What do you do when you've exhausted all the "easy" spots (tot lots, parks, schools, churches, etc.) locally? Do you continue to rotate them (hoping for fresh drops), or do you research new spots?
Most of the easy spots here were beat to death or had trashy-fill hauled-in on top of them. I will sometimes hit a park just to be swinging. Most of the preferred spots around here are in crops, so timing is everything. Through the summer (while still in crops), for me it's "wherever I can". I have become a bit lax in researching, but just getting back into hunting I've started making a list of spots I can hunt or research at least.
Do you have a preferred type of spot to hunt (granted any hunting is better than none, in the event your preferences can't be met)?
I like the old schools, churches, farms that are long gone. I guess still being in the rookie phase of MDing, and those spots having produced my best finds have much to do with that.
How far do you "usually" travel to hunt?
For me, the closer the better (naturally spots are limited), other times maybe 25-40 miles (one way), and that was with a partner, another bonus is sharing driving expenses.
Do you take along more than 1 detector? If so, is it just as back-up or do you switch detectors?
I only own one (Ace 250), but will have a 2nd before long (lol, Ace 350), and would imagine the 350 would become my primary machine, and the 250 as back-up and loaner.
How long is your average hunt? Does it depend on finds, or do you stick it out regardless?
Some have been 6-8 hours, with breaks along the way. Others have been 20-30 minutes. I guess alot depends on the amount of effort it took to get to the spot and the finds being made.
Do you have a pre-hunt "ritual" (checklist...that sorta stuff), or does your gear stay in your vehicle?
When I was hunting regularly, mine stayed in the truck....ya never know when an opportunity might present itsself. I also have a poor memory, and it was less likely for me to forget something
What would be a hunt or find you'd like to make....I'm talking realistically (fantasy hunt to follow)?
I enjoy hunting, period. However I get the most enjoyment in finding something I've not yet found. For the longest time I wanted to break-into the 1800's coin-wise, which I have now done a few times. lol, 1700's is in the back of my mind, but ain't holdin' my breath (at least around this area). My ideal hunt would probably be something Civil War.
OK....NOW your fantasy hunt.
Diving a shipwreck, lol which will never happen, but it'd be cool to do. A 2nd option would be locating some mega-cache that I'd spent years researching. Wouldn't have to be gobs of gold, just something that ended-up showing something for the research/effort.
OK, fingers numb, eyes crossed, and I nearly lost everything I'd add what you like, including your own questions if you wish. Just bored & tryin' to get a little conversation goin' Hoping to get-out the 1st of the week to check on a couple spots to hunt, it's supposed to cool-down a bit in the meantime, I live through others
Never hunted in a group, I've hunted with a partner and enjoyed it, but have no problem hunting alone.
If you hunt with others, and they find something nice, are you envious or happy for them?
If you hunt with others, and something came-up where they couldn't make a planned hunt, would you still go solo?
Yep, unless it was a spot that we specifically intended to hunt together (or both researched prior to hunting), then I'd wait until they were available to go.
What do you do when you've exhausted all the "easy" spots (tot lots, parks, schools, churches, etc.) locally? Do you continue to rotate them (hoping for fresh drops), or do you research new spots?
Most of the easy spots here were beat to death or had trashy-fill hauled-in on top of them. I will sometimes hit a park just to be swinging. Most of the preferred spots around here are in crops, so timing is everything. Through the summer (while still in crops), for me it's "wherever I can". I have become a bit lax in researching, but just getting back into hunting I've started making a list of spots I can hunt or research at least.
Do you have a preferred type of spot to hunt (granted any hunting is better than none, in the event your preferences can't be met)?
I like the old schools, churches, farms that are long gone. I guess still being in the rookie phase of MDing, and those spots having produced my best finds have much to do with that.
How far do you "usually" travel to hunt?
For me, the closer the better (naturally spots are limited), other times maybe 25-40 miles (one way), and that was with a partner, another bonus is sharing driving expenses.
Do you take along more than 1 detector? If so, is it just as back-up or do you switch detectors?
I only own one (Ace 250), but will have a 2nd before long (lol, Ace 350), and would imagine the 350 would become my primary machine, and the 250 as back-up and loaner.
How long is your average hunt? Does it depend on finds, or do you stick it out regardless?
Some have been 6-8 hours, with breaks along the way. Others have been 20-30 minutes. I guess alot depends on the amount of effort it took to get to the spot and the finds being made.
Do you have a pre-hunt "ritual" (checklist...that sorta stuff), or does your gear stay in your vehicle?
When I was hunting regularly, mine stayed in the truck....ya never know when an opportunity might present itsself. I also have a poor memory, and it was less likely for me to forget something
What would be a hunt or find you'd like to make....I'm talking realistically (fantasy hunt to follow)?
I enjoy hunting, period. However I get the most enjoyment in finding something I've not yet found. For the longest time I wanted to break-into the 1800's coin-wise, which I have now done a few times. lol, 1700's is in the back of my mind, but ain't holdin' my breath (at least around this area). My ideal hunt would probably be something Civil War.
OK....NOW your fantasy hunt.
Diving a shipwreck, lol which will never happen, but it'd be cool to do. A 2nd option would be locating some mega-cache that I'd spent years researching. Wouldn't have to be gobs of gold, just something that ended-up showing something for the research/effort.
OK, fingers numb, eyes crossed, and I nearly lost everything I'd add what you like, including your own questions if you wish. Just bored & tryin' to get a little conversation goin' Hoping to get-out the 1st of the week to check on a couple spots to hunt, it's supposed to cool-down a bit in the meantime, I live through others