I Have many examples but I'll only share 2 of them.
The first happened about 4 years ago, my wife had a dream one night that she had found 2 silver dollars, and since neither one of us had found a silver dollar up to that point we didn't think anything about it, our next time out detecting i found an 1899-O Morgan dollar, boy she was not happy with me, she said i had stolen part of her dream, that's OK though about a week later she found a peace dollar so she was happy after that, Now just imagine the look on the faces of the folks at our club when on the finds table there were two silver dollars and a husband and wife were the owners

The other event happened last spring while my wife and i were detecting an old Detroit park, It was very muddy and we were going around all the standing water pockets in a wooded area and i had already found a couple of Indian heads and a 1917 merc and a 1901 barber dime so i thought i was doing good, then my wife starts to dig a signal, i see her out of the corner of my eye and remember thinking she's down pretty deep, and she say's in a calm relaxed voice Tim i think i found a gold coin, i said what ,NO , not possible, so i walk over expecting a gold color token or anything other than a coin and she hold's in her hand a 1928 St. Gaudins 20 dollar gold piece!!!!!! I felt like i was in Quick sand, i couldn't move, i went down to my knees and kept saying OH MY GOD----- then the realization set in that we are in the worst area of Detroit and i said were leaving NOW!!!!!!!!
Now the story should end here but later i asked her if she had checked the hole and she gave me a blank look and said no,
So we go back the next weekend [ she said it felt like it took forever to get here] she checked the hole nothing she also checked it in all metal mode nothing , so I'm detecting along and i hear my wife say Tim and i look over and i can't believe my eye's she found another one 7 feet away!!!!!! needless to say we have dug everything for another 100 yards around that area a few Indian heads ,merc's and barbers have come to light but nothing like those coins.