I would stay with one tone and learn to identify a potentially good target by sound. 2F is my second choice because you can easily tell the difference between a deeper target and a shallow one by the sound. Just take your F-70 and put it in 2F tone and do a little air testing and listen to the difference between a coin waved close to the coil and one that is waved 4 inches or more and you will see what I mean. Once in a while I will use 4 tones but I soon find myself switching back to one tone because I find it less confusing. I rarely use SL mode on my F-70 because it makes the machine way to noisy. I hunt mostly in the city where there are all sorts of EMI sources so I stick with the DE process. Same is true with my F-75, I rarely use JE mode due to instability. Yea, I know, you can dial everything down on the both machines and still get good depth; however, I simply prefer to keep everything dialed up and stick with DE. I also have found no benefit at all by using the BC mode on the F-75. Yesterday, I detected an old rusty bottle cap with the F-75 in DE mode. The F-75 loves rusty bottle caps and ID's them with a good solid 70 reading with high confidence. I switched the process between BC and DE and swept the coil over and over again trying hear the difference; however, my tired old ears simply could not tell the difference. Sorry, I know I got off topic a little.