Well, I've been coin hunting with pretty much just the 3D for the last year and a half....and I've found some good old coins with it. But I've decided to go mostly jewelry hunting for awhile, and I need something w/more segments and notching capability, so I ordered an ACE 250....hearing all kinds of rave reviews on it....I'm also going into some heavy trash areas, and the little coil on the ACE will do well there from everything I've been told...mine won't be here for a day or so...so the final say on how it runs in my local is yet to come.

I also have an Advantage, which hunts high coins here as well or better than anything...it's as deep or deeper than the CZ's here, and w/the stock coil is good in trash and iron...finds coins colocated w/trash better than any machine I've used w/a 7-8" coil. Although, I must say the C$ did well in that regard also, but I had other problems w/it that just annoyed me. Anyway, time for a change and for what I'm hunting now, I need some things the CZ's don't give me. And if I want to hunt high coins, the Advantage will do me well there...and many are saying the ACE is a great coin shooter too. I'll know soon enough. In the end, you just have to go with what works best for you in your area and what your hunting for. Alot of good fun detectors on the market, but I seldom swing more than on at a time.

The 3D has been a fun machine to use and found enough goodies to pay for itself. I just feel like going after some gold since the price is going higher and higher...and it won't take too many rings to pay for an Ace 250.

I don't like having too many machines around at the same time either...I can't decide which one to use.

An Ace and an Advantage should do me fine for awhile. The funny part is...my most expensive piece of detecting equiptment will be my Pocket Uniprobe.

Anyway, the 3D is fun to use and you can get real good with it in a short time...even in modern trash..having two modes in trash will decrease digging trash if you use them....and it does give good target audio info after a short time using it, if you listen. While I understand why many who tried it in modern trash just using the enhanced mode quickly disliked it, if you use both modes in the trash, you will do better than if you just had a CZ5...it really doesn't take long to figure that out. Just check each target in each mode and dig everything for a few hours and you will see what I mean...the combo ID's you get from both modes along w/the audio info will start telling you what the target is very quickly. You'll have fun w/that 3D...me....I'm hunting for gold rings for awhile.