I agree with Marcomo about LT and Western & Eastern Treasures.
If you are really into relic hunting, especially civil war stuff, then you should check out American Digger. It is even more glossy and eye-catching than LT, but LT and W & E Treasures both cover a broader spectrum of treasure hunting. I subscribed to American Digger for 1 year (200

. Probably 70-80% of articles/photos in American Digger have to do with with civil war relics with majority of the remainder about bottle digging, native american artifacts, slave tags,etc. --- not much in the way of coins, jewelry, beach/water hunting, or prospecting.
I tried American Digger because I was getting a little bored with LT. I use to really like LT because it had a variety of hunting styles represented each month, but then they got cute and thought it was great marketing to have each month be a "focus" issue -- you know, one month everything is about gold prospecting, another month is all about beach hunting, another month it's coinshooting, etc. Well, we don't have opportunities for spanish fleet gold or gold prospecting where I'm located, and I can't afford to travel to take part in those, so those months were a waste for me. As a coinshooter, I liked it better when I could count on at least one coinshooting article in each edition and I bet the beach hunter or prospector did not care for an all coin-shooting month either. To me it makes more sense to try to have something for everyone in nearly every edition. Anyone else feel the same way?
I guess it's down to just Western & Eastern Treasures for me unless someone has another mag that they can recommend.