deadly in sites where there's an excellent likelihood of gold jewelry, to include chains.
My MXT has been one of the best White's I have ever used for plucking gold jewelry, and my two favorite coils for doijng so are the six-and-a-half inch diameter White's 5.3 Eclipse and the five inch diameter 5" EXcelerator. The concentric wound Eclipse and widescan (Double-D) EXcelerator allow me to work closer to metal pipes and structures in playgrounds and closer to metal fences around the sun batheing and wading/swimming areas at many parks.
If I was restricted to only one search coil for an MXT .. ever .. it would be the 5.3 Eclipse. Excellent performance coil!
Fortunately, I am not so restricted and I prefer the 8" solid or 10" open Double-D coils from Detech to the stock 950, and can also suppliment the 5.3 Eclipse with my favorite trashy coil, the 5" EXcelerator.
I have found many thin gold chains and thin gold rings and pendants using the MXT w/5" EXcelerator. More than with any other coil, but then I use the 5" more than any other coil when I am in trashier sites, or hunting close to metal fences and such.
Oh, I have found some small gold rings with the XLT and XL Pro (or in its former appearcne as the 6000 Pro XL), but otherwise I've done the best with the MXT of all the up-line models from White's.
Only the Classic III SL and IDX Pro have helped me recover more gold jewlery with a White's detector. Not necessarily because they're <EM>better</EM>, but because they are the models that I have hunted with the most from White's over the past 11 years when in decent jewelry-producing sites. For the record, most of the gold jewlery they have produced good hits on came when using either the 4" or 6