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Finding 3 of them. I got permission from a realtor to detect the yard of a house that was going to be torn down. I found a Susan B Anthony dollar in the front yard and the back yard was full of junk. There was little parts of cars and bikes and little things everywhere. I tried detecting the garden and it was pretty clean. I got an overload signal at the end of a row and decided to dig it up to see what it was. It was a heavy metal bar. I took a closer look and it was Copper with holes down one edge of it. I found two more. all three gave an overload tone. I took some pics after I dug them up then some more at home. I tried polishing one of them up but it still looks crusty. The two without holes weigh 16 pounds each and the one with holes is 14.6 pounds. Not the usual finds but I will take them anyday. Idigid