New member
that is sort of a CENTRAL location--It would take place in GOOD weather--Where we could MEET Each Other--And Do A little Detecting--It would NOT have to be any great location just a place where there is 3-4 parks we could hit--BUT the main object would be to see those who we ONLY KNOW just by Pictures or what they Post on this Forum---What would be nice if some one had a FEW ACRES that we could CAMP on to save a few bucks in GAS Money---I know until I sell my 4 acres I wont have much money so camping would be a big help for me! What I own is EXtremely Sell-able but I wont to get the most I can out of it, so I am NOT taking the first offers ! Land Prices around Ridgefield have went sky high in the last few years--My land was worth around One Hundred Thousand 5 years ago--The Price is around Three Hundred Thousand now! What is kind of funny is we Paid ($5,000)when My folks bought it BUT the Taxes have EXploded, Mine went up ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND this year But so did every House and Build-able piece of ground around here--Many people around here are being FORCED to sell and move to the next County to EXcape the high taxes here