moray hunter
New member
what do you guys think.. three years ago i got permission to detect a promising set of fields and they proved more than promising and started to turn up hammered roman brooches etc. so i asked my friend if he would like to join me ,after clearing it with the land owner ,who said its up to you who you take on, on outings to the field . the first year was ok we went out together and had mixed fortunes finding the odd hammy and bits of medieval. then last year once more hammys and roman coins appeared and things changed and my friend whose unemployed was spending hours day after day systematically searching field after field. then this year he started where he finished ,out day after day again systematically detecting the hot spots . being in employment myself and not being able to detect everyday i think its a bit greedy ,now i have never grudged him finding items but having done the research getting permission i feel i have been taken for a ride as he has not even tried for permission elsewhere . so today i told him that enough is enough and that he has now no permission to detect these fields ,
what would you guys have done
what would you guys have done