I have hunted the local parks and found several silver coins in the trashy areas. I think there may be a few more coins to find but I have not been successful in the last few outings. I usually hunt in coin mode with an open screen. The only program changes I make are using target trace, target trace pinpoint, ferrous coin, and auto+3 sensitivity.
The ground seems to be good mineral wise even though the sensitivity usually shows about 14. I have tried to use manual sensitivity in the twenty range but it did not seem to help. I did not use the noise cancel when I hunted in manual sensitivity and have since read on this forum that when changing to manual to make sure and do a noise cancel. I also have a bad habit of not looking at the screen until I hear a high tone. What else could I try if I went back over the trashy areas besides watching the screen? Thanks for your thoughts.
The ground seems to be good mineral wise even though the sensitivity usually shows about 14. I have tried to use manual sensitivity in the twenty range but it did not seem to help. I did not use the noise cancel when I hunted in manual sensitivity and have since read on this forum that when changing to manual to make sure and do a noise cancel. I also have a bad habit of not looking at the screen until I hear a high tone. What else could I try if I went back over the trashy areas besides watching the screen? Thanks for your thoughts.