and the Relic and the CoRe and the Racer 2.
I very seldom,
if ever, change my settings on any of these models. Once I select the search MODE, then adjust for a functional Ground Balance, I just hunt away and find stuff.
I select the setting adjustments I am likely going to want to use for any particular mode, then I SAVE all my settings after I select the mode I would most often use with the primary-use search coil I keep mounted on that devoice. As an example, I hunt very trashy sites most of the time so on my CoRe I kept an
'OOR' coil mounted and that unit was set to 'turn on' in the Di3 Three -Tone mode. I did likewise on my Relic ... 5" DD coil mounted with 'turn-on' in Di3, my Racer 2 set like the CoRe, and the Impact mimicked the Relic for search mode and coil mounted. All have the same Sensitivity settings I assign to those search modes, and the Discrimination level to work the same and just barely accept Iron Nails.
There are times, however, when I will want to hunt a low to moderately littered site and can use a mid-sized search coil. Something that might provide me a little more coverage on the side-to-side sweep as well as improve the depth of detection. My favorite mid-sized search coil for the CoRe and Relic is their 5X9½ DD open-frame elliptical coil, and for the Racer 2 and Impact my favorite mid-sized coil is there 7" Concentric round coil.
As stated, I use them 'at times' but not as much as the smallest coils, and very seldom to I have the need or desire for a larger 'standard-size' coil or the largest 'over-size' coil for any of these devices.
Therefore, to make life easier on me and so I don't have to spend any down-time changing search coils afield, I doubled-up my arsenal and bought a 2nd CoRe, Relic, Racer 2 and Impact, as well as the one competitive TID device I like, the MX-7. All of these second devices I have my preferred mid-size search coil mounted, and each of the devices are 'Saved' to 'turn-on' in the search mode I'll most often use with that particular unit and coil teamed up.
BigTony said:
Save the current settings that were on the machine as you switched it off.
This is helpful if you have to stop for a break or you just like those settings and use them frequently.
Because there is seldom a need, or desire, to change the settings in use for the particular device and assigned search coil, the only major setting I made is the GB adjustment for the site I am hunting. I usually do that by finding the most mineralized specimen or area at the site and GB to that spot. Then, if I am going to stop to take a break, change batteries, take a nap, whatever, ... I just glance at my GB setting prior to shutting the device off. When I turn the unit back on, I simply make a quick manual GB adjustment to match what I was working that site at when I shut-down and start hunting.
All of my
most frequently used settings were already saved other than the GB adjustment, and since I don't tinker with settings, since there isn't a need with these different units, I am good-to-go.