I've used numerous different brands of alkaline batteries and the Energizer Lithium's. The lithium's lasted longer, but not enough to justify the expense. They work well in my camera though. I stay away, from experience, from Harbor Freight and Rayovac alkaline. They don't last as long as Duracell and Energizer, and several store brands, like Radio Shack, Walgreen's, and Kroger. AS for rechargeable. Look for the highest mAh rating you can find. I'd stay away from ebay purchased, if not name brand, or at least something others have heard of. Bought some 2700 and 3000 mAh and they didn't even hold a charge. Duracell carries a 2600 mAh, but all I can find in store are 2450 mAh. Harbor Freight rechargeable have worked well for me, the higher mAh, but aren't much cheaper than name brands. None of the rechargeable I have used will last as long as an alkaline, but you can simply carry 2 or 3 sets and recharge after each use.
Good Luck!