after helping my brother install his sodd it was time to go detecting . I decided to go to a beach upon arrival i tuned it up and took my first swing and got a signal up comes a ring it was a junk ring , swung again and got a signal in the same spot dug down up comes a good ring 925 silver with some small diamonds, i proceeded to hunt a large earea of the beach i was hunting in all metal with my WOT coil and musketeer all i found after that was some pennys Bobby pins bottle tops and a few tabs and nails not one cladd . It was apparent that the beach was gone over by detectors already . but why did they leave the good ring -- IT WAS MASKED BY THE JUNK RING ON TOP OF IT -the other detectorists had used thear disq and numbers and tones all telling them nothing was thear OHHH how we are like that we look at that woman whith the disq on she is fat for me . and fail to see the hidden treasure of a meek and quiet spirit beneath . or look at that guy he is black and fail to see his true caricture. how many a good worker is over looked because he has a felony committed in a time of weakness ohh yes we can sometimes miss treasure all right owr sins are like the bad junk ring that mask us but Jesus takes the junk out of the way and gets to the good for by faith in him the junk is all taken away . anyway it was so nice to hunt a beach again