I need some advice. I'm buying my husband a "real" metal detector to replace the relatively expensive toy one he's had for years. He's very excited about the idea of a display that tells him exactly what he's going to dig for. I don't think he has any specific targets in mind. He just wants to have fun finding cool and valuable stuff. He would use it near water, more likely lake than ocean. He'd settle for a coil that's submersible but if he could get a target description display and submersible that'd be even better. (I can see him wanting to dive in to find someone's lost ring in the lake, so submersible is a great feature -- I just don't have $3k for a detector!). I'm trying to find all this used for maybe $500? If I have to spend $1k I will but I figured used would get him better quality and still be at least vaguely affordable. What do you guys and gals think would fit this bill? Specific detectors for sale messages welcome! Thanks all.