What it boils down to is this: regardless of whether your in Jewelry or Coin mode, DIG EVERYTHING!
I used to think that being able to "discriminate" was the greatest thing since sliced bread (and dentures) but it turns out
that it "aint so." Have you ever watched the TV series NUMBERS where this math genus helps his brother, an
FBI agent ( Frekin Big Idiot?) solve hard FBI cases? It's a lot of movie Hype. Math is good
but not THAT good. It boils down to PROABILITIES and that is what the Holly Wood math genus is doing. Brunching numbers on the
computer, alot of zeros and ones to come up with the very best possible outcome.
That's what your little on board Ace computer does. It takes in the information and gives you its best guess based on input of information
the Ace reads as it passes over the target. It's all probability. Some times its dead on and more times than not its its dead off center...plain wrong.
Dig EVERYTHING. Its boring as hell but the end result is that it pays off in the long run. After a while your arm feels like it wants to fall off.