I was out detecting in the heat yesterday for about 3 hours too many, I had the moon on my mind. Well, when I got home, I fell asleep right away, then about 3 hours later my wife wakes me up to come outside and look at the pretty moon. So I grabbed my camera and headed outside, it was a beautiful moon, not a cloud in the sky, then I blew it! No tripod, no cable release ( I own both) I was groggy and still very sleepy. But, I shot away anyways, BIG mistake (handheld shots) at 720mm zoom. I didn't look at the pics till half an hour ago Absolutely horrible, so I went into PSE 9 and played with what I had. By the time I was done messing around I have these to show for my efforts, one actually looks like a second planet earth only messed wth colors and sharpness. Enjoy