Welcome to the CMD Forum, Rickvm, we are glad to have you and you have asked the ultimate question for starting your journey on the pathway to eternal life! If you believe there is a one and only true God, Who is Christ Jesus and live your life for Him, daily, by being sorrowful and repentant for your sinning against Him, then you are saved. There needs to be a big change in your life from the old man to the new man....in other words you become a new creation in Christ, by loving and obeying Him because to do otherwise will make your heart hurt, as He becomes your Lord and Master, Whom you honor and glorify by not being ashamed to speak Jesus' name and you spread His gospel to others who are lost!
When saved you will be living and serving the Lord of lords and King of kings, by being a Child of the King!! By faith we believe and not by sight! Ask God that you really want to know Him and know that you are saved and one of His Children, ready to go and meet Him in the air on the saints Resurrection Day! The Holy Spirit of God is Who draws all men unto Him....you will know and right now you are seeking; therefore, God's Spirit is drawing you to Jesus
John 3:16.....For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son, Jesus, that whosoever (everyone) believes in Him and are baptised shall be saved and have everlasting life!
By professing your faith in Him, repenting of any sins you've committed against Him, baptised in water, and makiing a U-Turn on this earthly life's road by going on God's straight and narrow way and confessing that you love Him above all others and everything that may be a God in your life as of now then you will have no doubt of your salvation in God's mercy and His grace! Salvation is a gift from God and you never can earn it, but if saved you will serve HIm and give Him great honor in Whom He is!
My prayer is for you to truly know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and be a fellow Christian Brother in Christ, and if you are already, that you fully come into His presence and show His love through your heart to everyone you meet and be blessed mightily by Him! Amen!
God Bless!