robert roy
New member
A few days ago I asked, on another forum:
>>>>> I hear SOOOooooo much about Tesoro. The only other one that seems to rank as hagh seems to be MineLab. What is it about Tesoro that seems to attract so many people to that machine Vs. other machines out there?
Whenever I see post from people asking for help deciding what machine to buy, its either Garret or Tesoro. More times than not, Tesoro is the most often mentioned.<<<<<
I got the following replies:>>>>>>>I own a Tesoro and many other brands of detectors. Have been at this game for over 20 years. Tesoros are great machines - however - other manufacturers machines are great also. I often read biased posts about how some other machine is vastly better than another. What I can tell you is - if you buy a quality machine that you think will meet your needs - and truly learn the machine - then you will be happier. If you let someone else persuade you into a machine that you are not quite sure about - then you may be un-happy with your purchase. Everyone has opinions - and I respect those opinions - lots of good info on this forum. That is the reason for my purchase of a Tesoro. Is it the great 'WONDER MACHINE"? Absolutely not! It is still a great machine. Until they make a machine that can physically see into the ground and show you what is there - and I am talking about 100 % positive I.D. - I wont label any detector a "WONDER MACHINE"! I learned the ropes with Garretts, Fishers, and Whites back in the late 80's. If the last three brands that I mentioned were so inferior - they would be out of business. Now Fisher has been bought by Bounty Hunter - not sure what happened there - but they made some great machines.
The bottom line here, is to purchase one and learn it. I prefer light weight. Too many years swinging framing hammers around. My right shoulder is shot! The little tesoros have the edge on weight - thus - I can swing them longer. That of course results in many more finds - still dig a lot of trash though. Having just purchased a new "Wonder Machine" - Whites DFX - hoping that the massive discrimination capabilities will help in this arena. I have never been disappointed with a machine purchase yet. They all seem to be capable of some great finds. Find some good hunting grounds and hunt with a 200 dollar machine and you will be successful.To the manufacturer out there - I am waiting for a detector with a 1080P resolution T.V. screen that with a DVD player and surround sound built in - HA!<<<<<<
>>>>>>The things that I can think of are:
1). Great customer service. When you call you speak directly to the company and most of the
time, it is the owner who is more than happy to answer your questions.
2). Lifetime warranty - They do stand behind their products.
3). Great products - When you buy a Tesoro, you know that you have a quality product.
4). Great price -When I bought my Tesoro Compadre, it was the cheapest of all the entry level
>>>>>>>>>First off Tesoro addressed a great need in this hobby, the need for light weight well balanced detectors. Back when they came out with their machines most other companies were still making those heavy unbalanced lunch box style rigs. Some still are doing this!
Second, Tesoro opted for good depth with easy simple settings. They know that most finds are less than 6 inches deep so they built their machines around that average. Tesoros have always been some of the easiest to learn machines made. They're mostly no-nonsense basic machines.
Warranty is a giant reason for their success. People have learned that Tesoro doesn't forget the customer after the sale. They keep all parts for their machines new and old and are capable of fixing most anything and often for free.
Smoothness is also very important. The signal from a Tesoro is stable and mellow. People tend to dislike snap crackle pop noises. While it is true that the very deep machines are all a bit noisy (Tejon), they've tended to avoid the extreme depth and go with reasonable depth and mellow sounds. This has paid off for them big time.
Tesoros have an almost unbelievably excellent pinpointing ability. There is no need at all for an all-metal pinpoint button on a Tesoro. They all pinpoint easily in discriminate mode.
Endurance is a big factor too. Tesoros are tuff machines. Some other major brands die very easily.
Resale value is very good on all Tesoros if one doesn't get in too much of a hurry to sell. I love people who buy a Tesoro, don't learn it, get frustrated, and sell dirt cheap. This makes for awesome deals.
There are more but these are some reasons why people like them so much..<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tesoro folks have worked very hard to build reliable, tough, accurate, and simple machines. Then put LIFETIME warranties on them. I've said it before---I WILL NOT pay several hundred dollars for a machine if its manufacturer does not have enough faith in its quality to put more than a 3 year warranty on it.
Personal Story: Several years ago, while visiting a multi-line detector store, I witnessed how the folks at Tesoro treat their customers. An older gentleman brought in an older Tesoro he'd had for years. I think it was an original Silver Sabre. There was a problem with one of the controls and the dealer had shipped it to the factory for him. Jack Gifford (the Dad) called the dealer after the detector got to the factory and was checked out and asked the dealer to ask the gentleman if he'd take a new Silver Sabre in its place. At the time, the uMax had not been invented and the new Silver would be the newest design at the time.
Of course the man accepted and not only got the new machine, but could have had his old one returned if the old one had had any sentimental value. Now folks, THAT'S a warranty from good people who have full faith in their machines. In addition to the good points already listed, that was the one thing that absolutely SEALED the deal for me. If I ever buy another brand, it'll be because I get such a low price on a used one that I won't be able to say "no". That's the only reason I have a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver. I got it for a ridiculously low price that couldn't be ignored. ($243 including shipping) <<<<<<<<
I have heard so many good remarks about Tesoro. Its amazing. Would really like to hear more from Tesoro users.
Best Regards
Robert R
>>>>> I hear SOOOooooo much about Tesoro. The only other one that seems to rank as hagh seems to be MineLab. What is it about Tesoro that seems to attract so many people to that machine Vs. other machines out there?
Whenever I see post from people asking for help deciding what machine to buy, its either Garret or Tesoro. More times than not, Tesoro is the most often mentioned.<<<<<
I got the following replies:>>>>>>>I own a Tesoro and many other brands of detectors. Have been at this game for over 20 years. Tesoros are great machines - however - other manufacturers machines are great also. I often read biased posts about how some other machine is vastly better than another. What I can tell you is - if you buy a quality machine that you think will meet your needs - and truly learn the machine - then you will be happier. If you let someone else persuade you into a machine that you are not quite sure about - then you may be un-happy with your purchase. Everyone has opinions - and I respect those opinions - lots of good info on this forum. That is the reason for my purchase of a Tesoro. Is it the great 'WONDER MACHINE"? Absolutely not! It is still a great machine. Until they make a machine that can physically see into the ground and show you what is there - and I am talking about 100 % positive I.D. - I wont label any detector a "WONDER MACHINE"! I learned the ropes with Garretts, Fishers, and Whites back in the late 80's. If the last three brands that I mentioned were so inferior - they would be out of business. Now Fisher has been bought by Bounty Hunter - not sure what happened there - but they made some great machines.
The bottom line here, is to purchase one and learn it. I prefer light weight. Too many years swinging framing hammers around. My right shoulder is shot! The little tesoros have the edge on weight - thus - I can swing them longer. That of course results in many more finds - still dig a lot of trash though. Having just purchased a new "Wonder Machine" - Whites DFX - hoping that the massive discrimination capabilities will help in this arena. I have never been disappointed with a machine purchase yet. They all seem to be capable of some great finds. Find some good hunting grounds and hunt with a 200 dollar machine and you will be successful.To the manufacturer out there - I am waiting for a detector with a 1080P resolution T.V. screen that with a DVD player and surround sound built in - HA!<<<<<<
>>>>>>The things that I can think of are:
1). Great customer service. When you call you speak directly to the company and most of the
time, it is the owner who is more than happy to answer your questions.
2). Lifetime warranty - They do stand behind their products.
3). Great products - When you buy a Tesoro, you know that you have a quality product.
4). Great price -When I bought my Tesoro Compadre, it was the cheapest of all the entry level
>>>>>>>>>First off Tesoro addressed a great need in this hobby, the need for light weight well balanced detectors. Back when they came out with their machines most other companies were still making those heavy unbalanced lunch box style rigs. Some still are doing this!
Second, Tesoro opted for good depth with easy simple settings. They know that most finds are less than 6 inches deep so they built their machines around that average. Tesoros have always been some of the easiest to learn machines made. They're mostly no-nonsense basic machines.
Warranty is a giant reason for their success. People have learned that Tesoro doesn't forget the customer after the sale. They keep all parts for their machines new and old and are capable of fixing most anything and often for free.
Smoothness is also very important. The signal from a Tesoro is stable and mellow. People tend to dislike snap crackle pop noises. While it is true that the very deep machines are all a bit noisy (Tejon), they've tended to avoid the extreme depth and go with reasonable depth and mellow sounds. This has paid off for them big time.
Tesoros have an almost unbelievably excellent pinpointing ability. There is no need at all for an all-metal pinpoint button on a Tesoro. They all pinpoint easily in discriminate mode.
Endurance is a big factor too. Tesoros are tuff machines. Some other major brands die very easily.
Resale value is very good on all Tesoros if one doesn't get in too much of a hurry to sell. I love people who buy a Tesoro, don't learn it, get frustrated, and sell dirt cheap. This makes for awesome deals.
There are more but these are some reasons why people like them so much..<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tesoro folks have worked very hard to build reliable, tough, accurate, and simple machines. Then put LIFETIME warranties on them. I've said it before---I WILL NOT pay several hundred dollars for a machine if its manufacturer does not have enough faith in its quality to put more than a 3 year warranty on it.
Personal Story: Several years ago, while visiting a multi-line detector store, I witnessed how the folks at Tesoro treat their customers. An older gentleman brought in an older Tesoro he'd had for years. I think it was an original Silver Sabre. There was a problem with one of the controls and the dealer had shipped it to the factory for him. Jack Gifford (the Dad) called the dealer after the detector got to the factory and was checked out and asked the dealer to ask the gentleman if he'd take a new Silver Sabre in its place. At the time, the uMax had not been invented and the new Silver would be the newest design at the time.
Of course the man accepted and not only got the new machine, but could have had his old one returned if the old one had had any sentimental value. Now folks, THAT'S a warranty from good people who have full faith in their machines. In addition to the good points already listed, that was the one thing that absolutely SEALED the deal for me. If I ever buy another brand, it'll be because I get such a low price on a used one that I won't be able to say "no". That's the only reason I have a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver. I got it for a ridiculously low price that couldn't be ignored. ($243 including shipping) <<<<<<<<
I have heard so many good remarks about Tesoro. Its amazing. Would really like to hear more from Tesoro users.
Best Regards
Robert R