I'll chime in...I'm a seriously addicted gold chain hunter...I leave the house hunting for gold chains and everything else is just 'bycatch'...I run my Pro in pro-zero, 40 disc, sens down a few clicks, and iron audio off...I've had the Pro for going on three years now..found two gold chains with it...one is huge, 75gr of 24k, the other was 15gr of 10k, both in the water...the 75gr sounded like a few pulltabs or a piece of stainless steel strap, like a hose clamp of something..the 10k sounded like foil, and even though I run that high 40 disc, with iron audio off, some signals lower than 40 bleed through, which is good!
Theres a few long time detectorists that have used a lot of rigs that swear by the Pro's ability to find gold chains...I'm a relative noob, only 5yrs into this sport, but like I said, I hunt them hard on pounded beaches and parks, got three so far, one massive 6mm 32" figaro14k with the anchor I got with the F70, and the other two I mentioned...both the Pro and the 70 run around 15khz..both have the DD coil if that helps...
All this said, whether a guy is totlotting, sportsfielding, beachhunting or whatever, a guy has to seriously think about gold chains where they might be lost, and hunt those strange small signals...its actually a fools errand, but they are the White Buffalo when it comes to this sport...harder to find one than a gold coin signal wise...lots of coil time, luck and signals..these were all found within 15 miles of my house, so they are out there...the signal is just not a 'good' one, so they get passed over I'm guessing...
You gotta have a rig that can see them though, and be focused up, or you havnt a prayer...that +4 thousand $ of gold chains represents maybe 3 cents/mile of coil time!
A guy is better off financially stabbing clad truth be told! Still, they are out there and dont get hunted if thats any consolation...probably a few within 10 miles of your house right now just laying there waiting on you!...