Last weekend, I went scanning in the wood in my area. I found some pulltab, pennies and quarter but one thing happened to me and at the same time it really bugs me. I was walking and I suddenly had a strong signal on a pile of stones, I removed one stone, signal still there, removed another stone signal always there, removed a third one and the signal now is gone. I rescan the stones I've just removed and with one of them I had a good signal, I looked at it and throw it away. I kept walking and good signal again on another stone. I kept both of them to analyse them. This morning, I wash them, I used my bench grinder to polish the smallest one which is the size of a softball ball and the other one the size of a pie. After polish the stone is pale grey and I can see veins in it. It's pale brown with some black dot with very little sparks.
Where can I go to know what is this stone?
I'm using a Tesoro Vaquero and no matter where I put the discrimination knob I always have signal with these stones.
Maybe something interesting but no experience so I don't know...
I've tried a magnet and it stick on my stone. Magnet on the brown spot of that rock.