What is enough? that's the question. I am a avid detectorist and just thought it is a good question for all of use. If you are new at this hobby, be were its like a drug. Detecting will consume you. I have found a 1864 Indian head penny, unknown date buffalo nickle, civil war button, a wheat and several flat button this weekend. I live for the old stuff, its what feeds my fix, but after having my best two days detecting. I find myself consumed with the thoughts of its not enough. I know I'm not along, there are many of you that spend as much time of your day thinking of the next spot. That spot that will be better then anything else. If you find that spot, will it be enough or will it make you crazy with the thought of is that the best as it gets? I know the answer to that question. NO NO NO it will just make you stay out longer, sleep a little less, and look that much harder. I love the hunt and you do to. I say to you, good luck, may those thoughts that keep you up late at night come true. If your like me you will never stop dreaming of that one find that will be enough.