the detector sounded like a bunch of musicians tuning up! Just one sound after another. However I was in a newer park. If one was hunting in an older site with little junk there could be a big difference. I use 4 tones. Now on the problem of locating shallow coins, I have only had this problem once and It was because I had messed around with the threashould and had the setting at '0'. I didn't like hearing the background sound so I adjusted it out. But I quickly learned that I need the threashould set at least to '5' and I normally keep it at '10'. This is one setting that(at leas I think) is very important that it is set properly, especially in order to get lots of nickles. If set too low, the signals will be choppy or non existant. You will also have loss of depth. Do not listen to me, just take the detector outside, put a nickle on the ground in an area clean of other targets and experiment with the threashould. You will see what I mean. I have learned to put up with hearing the background sound as I am having no trouble at all getting all types of coins, weather they are laying on top of the ground or many inches deep. The Xterra 70 is easy to set up and hunt with but is sensitive enough that when mis-adjusted can lead to all sorts of problems. I have used mine for well over 100 hours and am still learning! That is why I love mine so much! Do not give up too quickly on this detector. It WILL work for you!